PT Adi Upaya Rekatama Internasional is a local Indonesian OEM/ODM of Aviation Training Devices (ATD). As of 2023, products include the KAI KT-1B Wong Bee Simulator, Grob G-120TP-A Simulator, B737-400 Fixed Base Trainer (FBT), PTTA Simulator, Flight Training Monitoring System, and developer of future Flight Training Support Systems.
Total system capabilities in developing, engineering and manufacture of simulator parts.
The workshop is manned with qualified technicians and equipped with the essential necessary equipment to enable the company to continously improve and provide total end to end solution to its customers.
We have in house capability to design various Input/Ouput integrated circuit boards, mechanical & electro/mechanical assemblies and sub-assemblies. This capability, along with more than 15 years experience as a system integrator will enable PT. Adi Upaya Rekatama Internasional to execute its primary responsibility as a vendor and OEM.
Alat ini menampilkan seluruh data pesawat mulai dari Call Sign, Tail Number, Altitude, Speed, dan Heading pesawat
Full ViewFixed Base Trainer Boeing 737-400 ini di design untuk melatih Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Checklist flow, Sistem Pesawat dan lain sebagainya.
Full ViewSimulator KT-1B adalah simulator pesawat latih lanjut TNI AU
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Local Indonesian OEM/ODM of Aviation Training Devices (ATD). Products include KAI KT-1B Simulator, Grob G-120TP-A Simulator, B737-400 Fixed Base Trainer (FBT), PTTA Simulator, Flight Training Monitoring System, and developer of future Flight Training Support Systems.